I'm a monster. A moral monster. Or rather, immoral entirely. At least these epithets give me as soon as you know it is said the word history. When my son was 16, I paid for the prostitute. Yes, out of pocket. No, it's not cheap, sick on the track. Beautiful, skilled woman of what is called the elite. With it, my son had sex for the first time, it helped him not be afraid, do not be embarrassed, shown, told, taught. Flew it a pretty penny, but I have no regrets.

I remember my first sex with a girl that I liked. Approximately at the same age. Remember your fears, insecurity, embarrassment. My first time was more or less successful, at least with a girl and then nothing really came out. But not everyone is the same.

I didn't want my kid was ridiculed to had complexes, so, in the end, he looked inept in front of my girlfriend. I wanted him to have crossed that barrier, I learned, was confident, then it all happened in his personal life.

And, you know, happened. He is now 28, married for three years, little waiting. Talked to him once on the subject of sex said thank you. Says really feel in your first "real" time with a "real" girl surely knew how to make her happy, etc. Prostitutes are never used again — no sense. My wife and all okay, no problem, not afraid to talk about sex, to try something new.

You go to hell with your "before marriage"! A woman can teach a man, she is allowed to be weak, learn to be more skillful. The man — no. And better if can teach him a professional and not laugh at a girl the same age!

But fighters for morals zadolbali.