I do not know how others, but I always liked adult women, even women are much older than me. When I was very young and had no concept of sex at all, I was gazing at beautiful adult aunts. Not yet aware of this natural hidden desire, I sometimes just melted when a truly beautiful woman came across my eyes somewhere. And then, as a teenager, when I began an active process of puberty and I already knew and understood everything, I secretly dreamed about how I had sex with one aunt, then with another. As an adult, I realized that in such women I was attracted not only by their beauty and sexuality, but also by the fact that they know how to look so gorgeous at their age, that they really like a green kid. I especially liked such women who managed to survive to the age of 50 so well that they look like a maximum of 30 years.

Among these women, who were in my understanding the benchmark of female attractiveness, was the mother of one of my intimate friend. I had a friend named Grisha, whom my mother raised alone. Grisha’s father abandoned them when he was very young. For some reason, his mother no longer got married and didn’t give birth to children, despite the fact that she was a very beautiful woman and all sorts of men constantly danced around her, many even wooed. But for some reason she refused to everyone.

When we became adults, I once asked Gregory why his mother did not marry. He explained to me that she was too simple and trusting in her youth, she believed people. This several times took advantage of all sorts of not quite decent guys - "they turned on and left." Even before her marriage, she had a bad experience a couple of times, and then Grisha’s father, who had already got married, seemed to have had serious intentions, also did not do well with her: he lived for a while and disappeared. After that, Grisha's mother secretly hated all the men and decided never to get involved with anyone, but to devote her life to raising her only son.

But for me the most interesting thing here was that Grisha's mother (her name was Lyudmila), although in my understanding, was very attractive, but for some reason did not cause any violent fantasies and dreams. For some reason, I treated her more like an aunt, as a native person, and not as an object of sexual passion. And when I became an adult, then for some reason I ceased to attach importance to her ability to look good in her age. She really looked great, and in her fifty “kopecks” years she rather looked like a decent and modest young actress than a mature and sophisticated woman's life experience.

For the time being, the relationship between Ludmila and her son developed just fine. She alone raised him, so they were the closest people to each other, and they never quarreled at all. Lyudmila herself in her life was a very calm, kind and balanced woman. And when Grisha got married, Ludmila was at first just happy - she, in her words, wanted to see her grandchildren as soon as possible. And at first, her relationship with her daughter-in-law was normal. But then, as is usually the case in such cases, everything went wrong and deteriorated: Lyudmila began to find fault with everything, became angry and annoyed. It seemed to her that the young wife of her son is doing everything wrong: he does not cook like that, and does not wash like that, and speaks wrongly with her husband — everything is wrong. They began quarrels, scandals, swearing. Lyudmila as a substitute. From a calm and cheerful woman, she began to turn into an eternally embittered and sullen shrew. Constant conflicts led to the fact that Natasha, the wife of Grisha, cried, ran to her parents, he then persuaded her to return, she returned, but then ran away again. In general, a banal situation has developed: the mother-in-law has become very jealous of her son for the daughter-in-law. Grisha constantly complained to me, almost cried, asked for help. And how could I help?

All decided case. Once we decided to go to relax to the country by the company. The company is Grisha with his wife and mother, and I am with them. At that time, Ludmila’s relations with Natasha were in a state of “next peace”, i.e. everything seemed to be quiet and peaceful. They even cooked together, communicating nicely. We sat, drank, ate. Then something happened again, again Grishina’s wife did something “wrong”, and Lyudmila again began to curse at her. Moreover, this scolding was not at all decent: not at all embarrassed by the presence of a stranger (me), Lyudmila squealed loudly and hysterically, insulted the daughter-in-law, called her last words, demanded that she leave her son. Natasha was at first silent, just cried and ran away somewhere. But a minute later she returned and began to swear at Lyudmila in response. Apparently, her patience ran out, and she decided to say it all in response. In short, the conflict has gone beyond all permissible limits. Grisha was completely lost and confused, and did not know how to stop this whole op. I felt very awkward, but I realized that apart from me, there was simply no one to stop everything. Therefore, I went up to Lyudmila, gave a little hug to her and led her to the second floor of the dacha.

We locked in the room. Lyudmila sat on the bed and began to cry softly. And I thought:

“Why is she crying? What is all the fuss about? Because of some kind of nonsense. Just jealous son to another woman, and all. "

And then suddenly such a thought struck me: “Nobody has been fucking her for so many years now, so she is furious! ..”

My hunch caused me some grin. Indeed, it is so! A beautiful woman from her youth does not know male affection, she devoted her whole life to a single man, her son, and now she cannot accept the fact that another woman has appeared. The situation is absurd, but, unfortunately, quite common.

And then suddenly I remembered that Grisha had asked me many times to help me with something. And I smiled to myself: is this how I should help? Why not? It’s not for nothing that all my life I like these women - they are aged, and at the same time they are very attractive.

I sat still a little while, hesitating and watching from the side the quietly crying woman - my friend's mom. And then he approached her, softly hugged him. He began to reassure in a friendly way. At the same time he began to whisper:

- Hush, aunts Luda, calm down. Why are you so tormenting yourself?

She wanted to speak something angrily again, but I put a finger to her lips and said:

- Shh! Quiet, no need to say anything! Shut up, forget everything! Calm down! I know everything myself! And I want to tell you: I will help you solve this problem!

Lyudmila looked at me with several tears in surprise.

- Will you help? - She asked.

- Yes, yes, I will help! - I answered her very confidently and cheerfully, with a joyful smile looking into her eyes. - I can help, you can be sure!

- And how will you help? She asked incredulously.

“You will find out soon,” I answered her even more cheerfully.

She tried to say something more, but with a quick movement I pulled her face to me and pressed my lips into hers. Lyudmila was taken aback by surprise and stopped at first. Then, naturally, I began to strongly repel.

- Let me go, are you completely crazy? - full of anger, she whispered voice.

But I hugged her and began to hold tight.

- Quiet, Lyudmila, do not resist - frankly, brazenly and unexpectedly for myself, I switched with her to “you”. - Quiet, quiet, do not rock the boat. I want to give you pleasure. And then you have a man for 25 years was not, so you got mad.

I knew that such words would infuriate Lyudmila even more, and she would begin to violently break out and swear loudly. But, at the same time, I knew that I was holding her tightly enough, and she would not resist at all furiously - not that character.

- Let me go, completely insolent ?! She cried softly, trying to break free from my arms. But I did not release it.

- Calm down, my dear, do not be mad, - I whispered brazenly. - Let's do it, you will immediately feel better.

Lyudmila for a long time tried to escape, but I did not let her out. I offered her to just sit quietly in an embrace. She gave up. I hugged her. We sat like that for a long time, I whispered something to her, some kind words, compliments said. He told me how I like it. Lyudmila was still expressing angry discontent, and at the same time she looked at me incredulously. She thought that I was kidding, because she is good for me in a mother, and, accordingly, cannot, in her opinion, be of any interest to me as a woman.

And on the contrary, I was already exhausted from my desire. I wanted to enter it as soon as possible. I hugged her tight again and started kissing her on the lips again. She did not resist. Though reluctantly, without opening her lips and practically not moving them, she began to answer me a little. I did not otlipal from her lips for very long. I kissed and kissed her. Looking up for a second, I whispered some pleasant words in her ear, and then again stuck to her lips for a long time. Then he whispered something again, then he kissed again. At first, Lyudmila was very tense, everything seemed to be waiting for the right moment to break out of my arms, but I continued my work. Hugging her tightly, I, through her clothes, felt well this already middle-aged, slightly loose, but still full of sexual energy, female body, greatly yearning for male caresses. Lyudmila was all hot - from the recent scandal, and from tears, and from my long kiss. I kissed and kissed her, feeling her body gradually becoming more and more soft and pliable. After some time, Lyudmila began to tear off her lips from me, throwing her head back, and at the same time she was breathing heavily, as if she was tired of this activity.

“That's enough, enough,” she tried to push me away again, but I closed her mouth again with my lips.

I do not remember how long we kissed, but it lasted, probably more than one hour. All this time I hugged Ludmila tightly. Both of us were already wet through, as if running a marathon distance. Lyudmila - I felt it - was already physically tired of this occupation, and she continued to barely repeat:

- Well, that's enough ...

But I continued.

When Lyudmila went completely limp, I gently let her go. She sat helplessly on the bed, breathing heavily and as if understanding nothing. Of course, I proceeded to the main thing - I began to undress her. Entirely simply burned with a mad desire, I struggled to restrain myself not to throw myself at her, and patiently slowly undressed her.

- Do you really want it? She suddenly asked.

“Of course, honey, did you understand that just now?” - I was surprised.

- Does it bother you that I’m fifty-two years old and I don’t need anything for a long time?

- Why not? - I was even more surprised. - You think so, you just lost the habit - so many years without a man! But now you will feel that you need it!

With these words, I began to pull off her jeans. Lyudmila lay quietly, absolutely not moving, as if she really lost her strength. She didn’t even raise her little ass, as women usually do when they pull their pants off.

Having undressed Lyudmila, I undressed myself, after which I laid down on her and plunged into this ocean of fantastic pleasure! I moved, slowly, very slowly, as if trying to stretch this short moment of pleasure for years. Lyudmila lay, not moving, not moving, but I didn't need this. The main thing is that she lay in a comfortable position for me, all so hot, soft, loose, relaxed. Though she was very quiet, but she was breathing deeply and deeply, while looking at me intently. I looked past her eyes, fully concentrating on my fabulous pleasure. A real volcano blazed inside me, it seemed to me that I was about to just burst all. But I was moving very slowly and carefully.

It lasted a long, long time. We lay in the same pose, did not change anything. I just steadily moved inside her, clearly feeling that the hot lava was boiling inside Ludmila. The woman, really, was starved in this case.

After some time, my body really exploded with a volcanic explosion. I convulsed and shouted so that I could hear it, probably, on another street, and at the same time I just crumpled Lyudmila like a piece of paper, and with artillery fire copiously shot inside her with my reproductive fluid ...

I do not remember how long I then lay on it, breathing heavily in ecstasy and being completely impotent. It was a long time. Lyudmila tried to push me off herself, but I was stuck to her lips again. Luda realized that it would be still very long. And that was a long time. I kissed and kissed her for a very long time, and then again very slowly and passionately moved on her. And again there was a volcanic eruption, and then again a long kiss ...

The next day, when we woke up, for a long time we could not find the strength to get out of bed. But still got up. We went downstairs. There was nobody there. Apparently, Natasha did run away, and Grisha ran after her. We stayed with Lyudmila alone in the country. Do I have to say that we stayed there for a few more days, during which we simply did not get out of bed? We would be there indefinitely, but we had to return to the city, go to work.

Interestingly, after some time, Grisha came to me and began to tell him that his mother had calmed down and became very peaceful. She herself offered Natasha to come back, offered to ask each other for forgiveness and not quarrel again. Natasha has returned, and now they again live "in peace and harmony."

“Something happened to my mother, she is no longer annoyed at Natasha, not angry at her,” Grisha told me happily. “Is it you who said something to her?”

Grishka, of course, cannot allow such a thought that I didn’t just say something to his mother, but did something interesting to her. But I did not give it in sight, I say to him so calmly, without batting an eye:

- Well, yes, I talked to her about it.

- And what did you tell her? - curious Grishka.

- So what's the difference? - I said seriously.

“Well, yes,” he agreed, “it makes no difference.” The main thing is that it all stopped. Thank you very much!

Grishka shook my hand and ran away.

“No way,” I grinned.

And then Grishka began to tell me that his mother had become so kind and welcoming as she used to be, and she began to treat Natasha so well that they now “do not spill water”.

But I, of course, did not have enough of this case at the dacha, so I began to invite Lyudmila to visit me. She did not always agree, but still agreed.

And we continued this magical activity. We kissed for hours, at first just lips on the lips, then not only on the lips. Lyudmila was a decent woman, so she didn’t do “that” with those men who she had before, in her youth. Therefore, she did not know how much pleasure can give, for example, oral sex, or even some other types of sex ... And I taught her all this and taught her. At first she was shy, but then she herself gladly did everything, and even more.

“You see, but she said that you don't need anything of this,” I whispered to her somehow.

She grinned and said:

- Yes, you were right.

We met like this, probably half a year, or even more. Neither Grishka nor his wife suspected anything. And we continued our passionate love affair with Lyudmila. We met more often in my home, sometimes we went to the country, sometimes, when Grishka and his wife were leaving somewhere, we met with Lyudmila at their home. Lyudmila and I still could not decide: do we need to tell Grishka about everything? I was afraid that he would react negatively to this. In this case, I did not worry about myself, but after that, how does Grishka start to relate to his mother?

Once, Grishka and Natasha went to visit some of their friends. Lyudmila called me, said that the evening was at our disposal. I arrived, Lyudmila and I started our sweet games. Again for a long, long time kissing, on the lips, and not only on the lips. Lyudmila gave me pleasure, kneeling, and then I told her. Excited and excited, we were going to go to the main thing.

And at that moment we suddenly heard that the front door was opening, voices were heard, someone entered the apartment ... Grishka and Natasha for some reason returned from the guests earlier than we expected. Lyudmila and I flew off the bed, began to dress swiftly. Fortunately, Natashka, as we heard, went into the bathroom, and Grishka - into the kitchen. Our presence they did not seem to notice. Therefore, I managed to quietly seep to the door and slip out onto the landing. But silently the door could not be closed. The door clicked, and I heard Grishka walk toward the door. I did not have time to escape somewhere, so I stood in front of the door, as if I had just arrived. Grishka opened.

- Oh, where did you come from? - he was surprised.

- Yes, so passed by, - I said the first thing that came to mind.

- Come in, - Grishka invited me to the apartment, but I tell him:

- Let's go for a walk, have a beer, drink and smoke.

We went out into the yard, took a beer in a stall, sat on a bench. I asked Gryshka for pro forma how things were going in the family. He said everything is great. I still wanted Grishke to confess his connection with his mother, but did not know how to do it better. I started from afar. He began to tell him that his mother was very attractive, sexy, that I really liked her. Grishka was surprised, began to laugh. And he didn’t believe me, I thought that I was just saying that just to make him pleasant. And I kept telling him that, like, under certain circumstances, I would even marry his mother. Grishka began to laugh even more cheerfully - anyway, he did not take it all seriously. Then I offered to go to his house, and as if by chance start a conversation on this topic with her. I’m sure that if I start telling Lyudmila in the presence of Grishka how I like her, she herself will inadvertently reveal our secret with her. And in this way, we kind of put Grishka and Natasha in notice.

Grishka continued to chuckle, but agreed to go home. We climbed to his floor, and somehow so quietly and quietly entered the apartment. We heard that Lyudmila and Natasha are sitting in the kitchen and are talking about something. They did not seem to notice our arrival. We wanted to enter the kitchen, when we suddenly heard that it was not just a conversation ... Both women spoke pleasant words to each other, asked each other for forgiveness for the past. And at the same time, each said “yes nothing, nothing, it is you forgive me” Judging by the voices, they both cried there. Then suddenly everything was quiet.

Grishka slowly opened the door, and we looked in there. Lyudmila and Natasha stood embracing, like friends that had not seen each other for a hundred years. Both were crying. Then Ludmila seemed to have a friendly kiss on Natasha's cheek, and she hugged her even more. Then she kissed again. Natasha kissed her too. And suddenly they looked at each other, a little surprised and confused, then Ludmila hesitantly began to reach for Natasha again, already trying to kiss her lips. Natasha tried to retreat, but Lyudmila showed some perseverance. She kissed Natasha, barely touching her lips to hers. Natasha was taken aback, looked into Ludmila's eyes with frank amazement. Lyudmila herself was stunned by all this, but did not let Natasha out, and again began to reach out for her. Natasha very sluggishly tried to retreat, but Lyudmila insisted again. And this time she stuck to her lips for a long time.

Both women suddenly felt for themselves that they strongly want this. They stuck their lips to each other, frozen in a long and endlessly passionate kiss. Lyudmila embraced Natashka very tightly, and very hotly worked her lips with Natashka’s lips. They kissed more and more, more and more penetrating each other with tender feelings. Then Ludmila began to stroke Natasha with her hands on her ass, across her chest, everywhere. Natasha again tried to retreat, tried to push Lyudmila away. But Lyudmila whispered to her:

- No, let's do it ...

Lyudmila herself began to undress. Undressed very quickly, she began to play with her body, massaging her breasts, buttocks, glancing at Natasha with eyes full of passion. Very erotic she did it. Then she began to undress Natasha. She did not resist. Lyudmila began kissing her again, slowly stripping and kissing her all over her body. Having undressed Natasha completely, Lyudmila gently laid her on the sofa, spread her legs, and began to kiss her there. Natashka all razomlela, melted. She lay with a contented smile, closing her eyes, quietly and very passionately sighing and sighing. And Lyudmila moaned even more passionately, smacked and very vigorously kissed and licked Natashka between her legs. It lasted a very long time. Natasha, judging by her sighs and groans, experienced one continuous orgasm. Then Lyudmila climbed up, sat Natasha right on the face. Natasha has become her tongue with even greater passion to give pleasure to Lyudmila. The whole room was just filled with loud sweet sighs and the moans of heavenly delight ... Both women were at this moment unrestrainedly happy with each other. One is still quite young, in his early twenties, with a young, resilient body with smooth, shiny skin. The other is a mature woman, with a somewhat disgusting, loose figure, but still cheerful and hot. Both of them at that moment were for each other a symbol of absolute happiness.

Watching all this, I suddenly thought:

“How well I taught her everything!”

And Grishka, about whom I had forgotten for some time, even though he was standing next to me, suddenly whispered barely audible:

“Well, your mother ... Where did she get all this stuff?” All my life I was a modest decent woman ...

I kept silent, continuing to observe everything that happens. And what was happening was gaining momentum, moans and sighs became louder and brighter. I thought that it would be necessary for us and Grishka to slip away from there until we were noticed, otherwise the whole buzz would be broken off. I pulled back Grishka, and we again quietly left the apartment.

But from everything he saw Grishka himself was so excited that he had the patience only for a few minutes of standing on the landing. Then he began deliberately loudly and slowly opening the door, began to speak loudly to me. We slowly entered the apartment, slowly took off. Then he walked slowly into the kitchen. Both women managed to get dressed. They sat at the table, greatly embarrassed and yet so hot, just glowing with fierce inner joy. They tried to portray that they were sitting just like that, they began to say something. But Grishka silently took Natasha by the hand and led her into another room. After a few seconds, there began to be heard unambiguous rhythmic sounds. I also silently took Lyudmila by the hand, lifted her to her feet, bent forward, lowered her pants and also began to do her own thing. Lyudmila groaned with bliss. And literally in a minute, Grishka and I simultaneously shook the apartment with loud animal roars.

I do not know what Grishka thought about all this, and I was glad. I realized that now it will be permanent. If these people are happy with each other, then this is good anyway!